Thursday, 13 February 2014

The Legendary window man

All he needs is a pair of scissors or better still, razor, and the gate way for the act to be committed is created. 
From room to room, window to window he pierces through these windows with his travel-far eyes seeking the next available garget to 'shift'.

At night the windows become a sacrilege, an abomination to the occupants of the room. No one keeps anything near it. No one goes near it.

No matter how hot the room is, the louvers are tightly shut, the room becomes dangerous health wise but no one care, as far as the phones are ok, then we will breath again in the morning.

It's gone on for so long and we are beginning to wonder, is the school management unaware of this or they have just decided to play the deaf man's role? 

Our gates are heavily guarded at night and we are left with this pondering thought...
Is the window man a spirit that can't be caught or he is one who has been asked to protect our belongings???

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